In an effort to enhance user experience, WhatsApp has released an update with new features. The update adds faster messaging reactions, additional camera effects for selfies, and the ability for users to make personalised stickers straight from their phone’s camera.
Selfie stickers and new camera effects
WhatsApp explained in a recent blog post that the goal of these new capabilities is to make the app more enjoyable and easy to use. Users may now apply 30 more backdrops, filters, and effects while taking pictures or videos in conversations thanks to the update. More choices for customising messages and improving visual material are made possible by these developments.
By tapping the “create sticker” icon and utilising the camera, users may use the Selfie Stickers function to make their selfies into stickers. Users of Android may now access this feature, and an iOS version is anticipated soon. Additionally, WhatsApp has made sharing sticker packs easier.
WhatsApp: Quicker Message Reactions
Faster message reactions are another significant modification. In addition to making it simpler to access commonly used replies, WhatsApp also allows users to double-tap a message to react instantaneously. Without having to type a response, this expedites the process of expressing feelings.
While preserving private and secure communications for users worldwide, the firm underlined that these new capabilities are part of its ongoing commitment to improve the app. To take use of these improvements, users are advised to keep their apps updated since the update is being sent out gradually.
New Features to Combat Misinformation
In addition, WhatsApp is experimenting with a reverse image search function to counteract false information. The functionality, which was first tested on Android beta and is currently being tested on WhatsApp Web Beta, enables users to utilise Google’s reverse image search to confirm photographs that have been shared with them. This makes it easier to spot photos that have been altered or changed without having to download them.
WhatsApp is also experimenting with adding a new ‘Als’ tab, where users may build custom Al chatbots, in place of the Communities area. Additionally, Meta is developing a new Meta Al widget that will make its generative Al service, which is similar to ChatGPT, easily accessible.
Topics #DoubleTapReactions #SelfieStickers #WhatsAppFeatures #WhatsAppUpdate