Sudeep Manwatkar, Player with most achievements in the field of Woodball in India was recently appointed as the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of Woodball India Organization.
Sudeep was the youngest Indian to debut in the first international Woodball championship at the age of 14 year.
In may 2020, Sudeep Manwatkar was appointed as the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of Woodball India Organization unopposed and this marks history as the youngest CEO of any sports organisation/company.

In February 2020, He started his own independent firm named Vimal Enterprises, which is an Outdoor and Sporting goods Company which deals with the manufacturing and distribution of various sports equipments. The company turned out to be a huge success in the field of sports.
Woodball Association of India, in recent press release announced The Indian Team for Woodball discipline, which is going to participate in the biggest Beach Sports Event in Asia under the auspicious committee of Olympic Council of Asia.
In the recent trails conducted by this sports organisation, finest players from all over India were selected as the part of the Indian Woodball Team wherein Mr. Sudeep Manwatkar was announced as the team captain.