The widely anticipated digital release of “Kalki 2898 AD” is about to happen. Ten weeks following its theatrical premiere, the makers intend to make this blockbuster movie available via over-the-top platforms. Accordingly, the movie is anticipated to debut on streaming platforms in the first part of September.

Box Office Sensation: Kalki 2898 AD

The film has become one of the highest-grossing films of 2024 after taking the box office by storm. This mythological and sci-fi action movie, directed by Nag Ashwin, was released in six languages worldwide on June 27. The movie has made more than Rs 1,000 crore at the box office worldwide.

Star-Studded Cast and Visual Splendor

The film’s stunning visuals and gripping story have mesmerised viewers. The film’s star-studded cast, which includes Prabhas, Deepika Padukone, Amitabh Bachchan, and Kamal Haasan, has brought large crowds of people to the theatre. For lovers of Indian cinema, this picture is a must-watch because each performance gives it more nuance and charisma.

Kamal Haasan’s Milestone and Sequel Tease

The antagonist Yaskin, played by Kamal Haasan, recently sent a moving video message honouring the film’s milestone of earning over Rs 1,000 crore. “Although I have performed in more than 250 films, hardly many of them reach this landmark. It’s a moment to be honoured,” explained Haasan. To further excite fans, he also alluded to a more significant role in the future sequel to “Kalki 2898 AD.”

Kalki 2898 AD 2

The film’s director, Nag Ashwin, gave an explanation for his choice to omit Lord Krishna’s visage in an exclusive interview with ETimes. “We are claiming that Krishna is God, so we thought the mystery would work if we don’t see that person,” Ashwin explained. “There was one thing I was very sure of right from the start, that we shouldn’t have something identifiable or an actor or a defining feature of Krishna.”

Kalki 2898 AD plot

“Kalki 2898 AD” blends science fiction and Indian mythology to portray a futuristic society in the year 2898. The film’s tremendous popularity can be attributed to its breathtaking sights, compelling plot, and outstanding ensemble cast. In an interview with Variety, Nag Ashwin disclosed that the sequel’s team has finished 25 to 30 days of filming, with a significant amount still outstanding. He made it clear that the second section will cover all unanswered questions and unfinished business.

Fans may anticipate the movie’s OTT debut in early September as anticipation for it only grows. Await formal announcements from Netflix India and Prime Video India regarding the precise dates of streaming.

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