The comedy-drama Jay Kelly, directed by Noah Baumbach, has finished production and a release window has been set for the upcoming Netflix movie. George Clooney and Adam Sandler are among the Hollywood A-listers who appear in the film. Baumbach and Emily Mortimer, who is also in the cast, wrote the script from which he developed Jay Kelly.
George Clooney and Adam Sandler-led Jay Kelly to get 2025 Netflix Release Date
Sometime in 2025, Jay Kelly, starring George Clooney and Adam Sandler, will debut on Netflix. In an interview with Deadline’s Pete Hammond for the publication’s Behind the Lens, producer Amy Pascal revealed the release window for one of the most eagerly awaited future Netflix projects. She made it clear that the film was under post-production as well.
“I am working with Netflix on a couple of movies I’m really excited about, and they’re great, and you know, they’re wonderful,” Pascal explained. She confirmed that she was working with Greta Gerwig on her Narnia project, before adding, “And then I just made a movie with Noah Baumbach called Jay Kelly that we made for Netflix also. It’s a great movie starring George Clooney and Adam Sandler.”
Jay Kelly was first announced in December 2023, when it was said that Baumbach will produce the film as part of his contract with the streaming behemoth. In the past, Baumbach and Netflix worked together on White Noise (2022), Marriage Story (2019), and The Meyerowitz Stories (2017).
The ensemble cast of Jay Kelly also features Laura Dern, Greta Gerwig, Riley Keough, Patrick Wilson, Isla Fisher, and Nicôle Lecky in addition to Clooney, Sandler, and Mortimer.
The plot has not been revealed at all. As of right now, we know that the film will be about grownups coming of age. According to reports, Jay Kelly’s production started in March 2024, with locations including New York City, London, and Tuscany.
The first film in which Clooney and Sandler will co-star is Jay Kelly.
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