Abdullah Mehmood born on June 21, 2002 who is currently just 17 years old is the youngest Pakistani entrepreneur-  the youngest successful one at least. Apart from that, he is a youtuber who manages 5 YouTube channels. He started his YouTube carrier from tech videos and has tried almost everything ever since. He is currently creating vlogs and comedy skits. Out of the 5 channels

Abdullah Mehmood, the Pakistani who followed his dreams is now proving to the young minds that following your dreams help you be the self-made person you wish to be. He has done collaborations with the big names in the Pakistan YouTube industry which include Zaid Ali, Rahim Pardesi and Uzair Altaf. He met Zaid Ali who convinced him to create his own YouTube channel which turned out to be a great success. He has 2 news channels on YouTube on which he has not even shown his face! He received his first YouTube play button when he was just 16, and his second and third both at the young age of 17!

He started his first business which was growing Facebook pages when he was just 13. He made pages which had millions of likes. Whilst doing this, he met many youtubers which wanted him to showcase their content. This helped him make contacts. On the other side, he started his second major business with the revenue generated from this Facebook marketing of his. He also runs a successful business in Canada which is related to photography. He recently wrote 2 books which are inspiring the young minds of Pakistan. Both the books help decode the strategies of starting a successful business.

He was also involved in a controversy with the Azad Chaiwala. The controversy was started as rumors that Mr. Abdullah is against the Azad chai Wala. However, tweets from both sides helped settle the dispute and there was no major issue produced. He spends most of his time producing branded content for his clients.

He is hesitant to reveal his income, and he lives a quite simple lifestyle despite all his success. He has much to boast of about but he on the other hand likes to keep it simple and enjoy his live the way he wants. He is extremely proud today to be self-made and stand where he is. He himself admits that YouTube income was not enough to fund him as he has a very lavish life-style. He enjoys living his life how he wants. To do so, he registered his own company and has already got 3 employees under him. He recently sold his successful online clothing brand and is now planning to do something big. Abdullah Mehmood is the perfect example of someone who is never going to give up on his goals.

Although his success seems a lot to everyone else, to him it is still the start of his carrier and he wants to focus further on other goals of his. Unlike many his age, he chooses his work over everything else. At the end, its safe to say that the fact that he decided to peruse his entrepreneurial carrier turned out fruitful for him.



Instagram Instagram.com/theabdullahmehmdood

Facebook facebook.com/theabdullahmehmood

Twitter  Twitter.com/abdu11ahmehmood

Website www.abdullahmehmood.com

Topics #Abdullah Mehmood #Pakistan #Young entrepreneur