Meta and Google are collaborating to combat the dissemination of false material on WhatsApp, the company’s instant messaging app. The reverse picture search tool is probably being tested for the WhatsApp web client as well after being tried for WhatsApp on Android. The new tool will enable users to assess the legitimacy of uploaded photographs on the network and obtain more information, according to a report from WABetaInfo.

The source explained that WhatsApp “is exploring” the adoption of a feature that will enable users to search for photographs on the internet using Google Search in its most recent web version beta. Users will be able to upload a photo to Google and utilise a reverse image search to determine whether the image is already online. They will be better able to assess whether the image has been altered and gain additional context for it. According to the article, WhatsApp will not have access to the content of photographs supplied to Google for image search; instead, Google would handle these images.

A similar functionality is also being tested by WhatsApp for its Android app. According to a report last month, WhatsApp’s new “Search on web” feature for photographs will enable users to search for images in reverse. The new option, which is currently in beta, can be found on the overflow menu, which is accessed by the three-dot button in WhatsApp’s image viewing interface.

Similar to Google’s current reverse image search function, this new feature is more practical because it is integrated within WhatsApp. Because the feature is built into WhatsApp, users can do the search without downloading the image and then uploading it to Google again using a different app or browser.

Topics #GoogleReverseImageSearch #NewFeatures #WhatsAppWeb