CO2 emitted from cars powered by gasoline thus the need for an alternative, clean, renewable automobile energy. Earth 1 -1X and Courage are designed for all the Friends of the Environment, who believe that the current environmental crisis can be reverted through making responsible daily choices to reduce their carbon footprints.
The efficiency brought about by our innovation is anticipated to cause a 3x boost in the global economy. Emel therefore extends an invitation to investors and oil companies to come on board to partner with them on their vision ushering humanity into TYPE 1 civilization.

We don’t need to explain the effect of vehicles on the atmosphere. Indeed, the toxic fumes from cars and other modes of transport are majorly responsible for our state. But what’s the alternative? How do you get to your destinations without the vehicles? The answer lies in electric cars. Yes, electric cars are the change that the environment needs right now
Topics #Courage #Earth 1 -1X #Emel