Access control is an approach to security that provides entry and exit solutions for businesses and building owners and is now more accessible than ever before. This security protocol is effective at maintaining safety and ensuring that the wrong people are never able to infiltrate a property. Whether it is keeping an apartment a guests-only space or making an office building safe for employees, access control is an innovative solution to security that business and property owners are leaning on all around Atlanta, Georgia.

What Is Access Control?

An access control system is a system that is designed to ensure that only authorized personnel can enter a property, or a specific part of a property. These systems are built to guarantee that the only people who have access to a business are people who have been screened and given clearance to enter.  Through doors or turnstiles, access control systems control, monitor and track who is in the building.

How Does Access Control Work?

Access control works by bringing together software and hardware to create a full security system. First, the property is fitted with a checkpoint that will determine access to the building. In some instances, a sensor might be installed on a door that only opens for the correct people. In other cases, security gates or turnstiles can be installed that only allow the correct people through a specific business entrance.

Authorized personnel are managed in two ways. First, each approved person will be added to a system that recognizes who they through a provided key card, key fob or code. When a person is added to a system, they can be given access to certain points all around a property. Depending on the preferences of the property owner, this might include a badge or card, a fob, or a secure keypad. These devices can be used to register the individual by their identifier and grant them access quickly and efficiently, while also logging their presence on the property.

Granting Access to Approved Parties

Approval is not universal for access control. Though you can provide identical access levels to all individuals who can enter a property, you might recognize that not everyone needs access to every part of the property. For example, it might be safer to ensure that only a select few have access to certain kinds of data or systems. Access control can be used to ensure that employees or visitors do not walk into areas that they are not permitted to be in. It is an additional way to guarantee that all areas remain secure at all levels.

As a property manager, you can give access and remove it with absolute ease. Outed lock and key security methods, by giving employees a specific key to a door, meant that the property was compromised the moment that the key was lost or stolen. With access control, access can be revoked immediately, even if the device was never returned to the property owner in the first place. Former employees or former tenants can be immediately banned from a property to ensure that everyone stays safe and that the building remains secure.

Time Tracking Made Easy

Since access control systems keep a running record of who enters and leaves a building, they can be used effectively for time tracking. This makes it easy for you to keep a clear and consistent record of who was on the property and the duration of their visit. With these datapoints, you can easily manage employee timecards with minimal interaction. It is simply a matter of letting the systems do their job and gaining an additional benefit from the data that is already available.

evidence in criminal cases. At the end of the day, it is about keeping the people on your campus safe.

Easily Partner with Other Security Systems

Access control does not just work alone. It can easily be combined with other security tools to provide the ultimate security setup. Pairing access control with intercoms, cameras, and door release systems makes it that much more effective. You can partner it with your other systems to create a safer and more secure approach to your security needs. Instead of creating a brand-new security setup from scratch, you can easily rely on existing systems and devices in order to create a more advanced system that will better suit your needs. Access control can integrate successfully into your existing system in no time.


With access control, you can upgrade your security protocols and keep an area safe. Knowing who is on your property and managing who is present at any point in time can offer significant advantages in the long run. Whether it is ensuring that data or employees stay safe, you can use access control to feel better about taking control of your environment. If you are looking for a custom approach to access control solutions in Atlanta, contact CFA Security to discuss the options that are available for you. We can provide you with completely unique systems that suit your property and needs.

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