Alia Bhatt recently added a touch of glamour to designer Sabyasachi’s 25th-anniversary celebration, joining a star-studded gathering of Bollywood celebrities for the milestone event. The evening was filled with memorable moments, including Alia reuniting with filmmaker Zoya Akhtar, who directed her in the 2019 hit Gully Boy. The actress was also seen posing for a stunning picture with Ananya Panday, who referred to her as her “forever fave girl.”

On January 25, 2025, Alia dazzled at Sabyasachi’s grand runway show in an elegant black saree paired with a sparkling golden blouse. A video shared by paparazzi captured a playful interaction between Alia and Zoya, where the actress humorously teased the filmmaker about indulging in a peda. Both twinned in chic black outfits and shared hearty laughter during their reunion. Their camaraderie reminded fans of their successful collaboration in Gully Boy, while excitement continues to build for their upcoming project, Jee Le Zaraa, a road trip film that Zoya is producing.

Fashion stylist Anaita Shroff Adajania, who also attended the event, captured the essence of the night in a picture featuring Alia and Ananya Panday. The snapshot, shared on Instagram Stories, showed the actresses embracing each other and exuding charm in their black ensembles. Ananya reposted the image with a caption expressing her admiration for Alia, paired with a heart emoji and a shoutout to Anaita.

As part of the celebration, Alia Bhatt penned an emotional tribute to Sabyasachi, praising his 25 years of unparalleled craftsmanship and storytelling through fashion. Reflecting on her journey wearing his iconic creations, she described his work as art that seamlessly weaves tradition with innovation. Alia also reminisced about wearing Sabyasachi’s designs during significant milestones, from her wedding with Ranbir Kapoor to her appearance at the Met Gala 2024. She expressed heartfelt gratitude, calling him an inspiration and celebrating his visionary legacy.

Sabyasachi’s 25th-anniversary event was undoubtedly a memorable evening, showcasing his enduring influence in the fashion world and the admiration he commands from stars like Alia Bhatt.

Topics #Actor #actress #Alia Bhatt #Ananya Pandey #bollywood #Fashion #Film Industry #Gala #Gully Boy #news #Sabyasachi #Zoya Akhtar