In the world of supercars, few names resonate as powerfully as Lecha Khouri, famously known as the face behind ‘Supercar Advocates.’ With a penchant for acquiring and creating one-of-a-kind automotive treasures, Khouri has once again left the car community awestruck. This time, he introduces a one-of-one Nissan Skyline R34 GT-R, crafted in collaboration with the legendary Japanese tuning house, “MINE’S.”

A World’s First Collaboration: MINE’S x Supercar Advocates

What sets this R34 GT-R apart is its significance as the official MINE’S x Supercar Advocates Demo Car, a first-of-its-kind partnership. Renowned for their engineering prowess, MINE’S has poured its expertise into this build, ensuring it not only meets but exceeds the expectations of automotive enthusiasts worldwide.

The car boasts a host of exclusive features that elevate it beyond the already iconic MINE’S builds. From the outset, it’s evident that this is no ordinary GT-R.

Unmatched Features: Supercar Advocates’ Signature Touch

  • Interior Design: Inside the cabin, the car proudly displays the Supercar Advocates branding, seamlessly integrated into the luxurious and performance-driven design. This bespoke touch underscores the collaboration’s uniqueness, blending MINE’S engineering brilliance with Supercar Advocates’ visionary aesthetics.
  • Engine Bay Signatures: To make the build even more remarkable, both the MINE’S founder and chief engineer have personally signed the engine bay, a testament to the dedication and craftsmanship poured into this car.

Under the Hood: The Heart of a Beast

At the core of this automotive marvel is a meticulously tuned 2.8-litre RB26 engine, capable of delivering a staggering 650-700 horsepower. The engine, a masterpiece in itself, is enhanced with an array of titanium and carbon fibre components, ensuring both peak performance and reduced weight.

This attention to detail reflects the philosophy of both MINE’S and Supercar Advocates: achieving perfection through innovation and engineering excellence.

A Build to Envy 

From its jaw-dropping performance to its unparalleled aesthetics, this MINE’S R34 GT-R Supercar Advocates Demo Car is the stuff of dreams for car enthusiasts. The collaboration has redefined what it means to create a truly special build, blending heritage, technology, and passion.

For those fortunate enough to witness this masterpiece in person, it’s not just a car—it’s an experience. With this unveiling, Lecha Khouri continues to cement his legacy as the Supercar Virtuoso, bringing extraordinary creations to life and redefining the limits of automotive artistry.

This collaboration isn’t just about cars; it’s about pushing boundaries, setting benchmarks, and inspiring the world to dream bigger. If ever there was a build to envy, this is it.


Topics #Lecha Khouri #Nissan Skyline R34 GT-R