Dakota Johnson and Chris Martin were spotted walking hand-in-hand in Mumbai, India, putting an end to ongoing rumors about their possible breakup. Together since 2017, the couple made an appearance at the iconic Shri Babulnath Temple on Friday during their visit. Chris Martin, the Coldplay frontman, is in India as part of the band’s highly anticipated and sold-out Music of the Spheres World Tour, with Dakota accompanying him on the journey.

The couple embraced the local culture ahead of Coldplay’s concert. Dakota was seen wearing a traditional printed cotton suit, gracefully draping a dupatta over her head as a sign of respect, while Chris donned a serene pastel blue kurta paired with a Rudraksha mala. A particularly touching moment caught on camera showed Dakota whispering a prayer into the ear of Nandi, a traditional act believed to bring blessings for heartfelt wishes.

Later, the pair were seen strolling together in coordinated, casual attire, radiating an effortless charm. Chris opted for a black ensemble with a baseball cap and white sneakers, while Dakota complemented his look with a black tank midi dress, a gray sweater tied at her waist, and matching sneakers. Known for maintaining a low-profile relationship, the couple’s public appearance in Mumbai garnered significant attention, easing fan concerns about their rumored split.

Chris and Dakota began dating after Chris amicably parted ways with ex-wife Gwyneth Paltrow, with whom he shares two children, Apple and Moses. Speculation about their relationship status emerged in early 2024, with rumors of a secret breakup and reconciliation circulating widely. Reports suggested they had been engaged for years without any urgency to marry, fueling further gossip. However, by June 2024, sources confirmed the couple remained strong, having navigated previous challenges together.

In August, breakup rumors reemerged, claiming the pair had ended their engagement, but Dakota’s representatives quickly dismissed these claims, affirming they were still “happily together.” Chris also addressed the speculation during a December interview with Rolling Stone, emphasizing the importance of privacy while acknowledging that romantic love remains a vital part of life.

Topics #artist #Breakup Rumours #Chris Martin #Dakota Johnson #news #Shiva Temple