Ramayana: Prince Rama’s Legend Release Date: The legendary story of Ramayana is masterfully portrayed in the anime film “Ramayana The Legend Of Prince Rama,” which has played a significant role in the childhood of many Indian children. After around 30 years of development, the film is ready to hit theatres.

Ramayana The Legend Of Prince Rama Release Date:

On January 24, 2025, Ramayana: The Legend of Prince Rama will be released in cinemas. There will be Telugu, Tamil, and Hindi versions of the film accessible for viewing.

About Ramayana The Legend of Prince Rama:

In 135 minutes, “Ramayana: The Legend of Prince Rama” narrates the epic Ramayana. Following the exile of Lord Ram, Sita, and Lakshman, the film mostly focusses on the Ramayana. The story revolves around the kidnapping of Goddess Sita by Ravana, the encounter between Lord Ram and Hanuman, and the conflict with Ravana.

Koichi Sasaki, Ram Mohan, and Yugo Sako are the film’s directors. Vanraj Bhatia is the composer of its melancholic tunes. The film was played at the Vancouver International Film Festival after its debut at the 24th International Film Festival of India in 1993. But it wasn’t until 1997 that it was shown on large screens. After appearing on children’s television channels and then being made available on DVD, “Ramayana: The Legend of Prince Rama” became well-known.

Ramayana The Legend of Prince Rama: Cast

In the animated film, Arun Govil, who was already well-known for his depiction of Lord Ram in Ramanand Sagar’s television series “Ramayan,” provided the voice of Lord Ram once more. Sita, Lakshman, and Hanuman were voiced by Namrata Sawhney, Shakti Singh, and Dilip Sinha, respectively. Shatrughan Sinha, a Bollywood actor, served as the movie’s narrator.

Additionally, the film was dubbed into English and featured a number of well-known voices. In the meantime, the movie was also available in two English translations. Lord Ram, Sita, Ravan, Lakshman, and Hanuman were portrayed by Nikhil Kapoor, Rael Padamsee, Uday Mathan, Mishal Varma, and Noel Godin, in that order.

Bryan Cranston provided the voice of Lord Ram in the film, which was released in the United States under the title “The Prince of Light: The Legend of Ramayana.” For the uninitiated, Bryan Cranston is well-known for his part in the “Breaking Bad” Netflix series.

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