The 14 Pro series 5G smartphones from Realme will soon be available in India, the company has announced. On December 9, the Chinese smartphone manufacturer explained that the Qualcomm Snapdragon 7s Gen 3 engine and a periscope telephoto camera with AI Ultra Clarity 2.0 technology would be included in the next models in its number series.
When Xiaomi’s Redmi Note 14 series launches in India on December 9, the Realme 14 Pro series 5G may compete with the Pro variants.
A third model, the Realme 14 Pro Lite, may be included in the series, but two models—the Realme 14 Pro and Realme 14 Pro Plus—are anticipated.
Realme 14 Pro series 5G: What to expect
The Qualcomm Snapdragon 7s Gen 3 System-on-Chip (SoC) will power the Realme 14 Pro series smartphones. A periscope telephoto lens with optical-quality zoom will be part of the back camera arrangement.
AI-powered photography improvements, such as the AI Ultra Clarity function, which can upgrade low-resolution shots into higher-quality images, will be included in the devices. Images captured with other smartphones or cameras will also be compatible with this capability. In order to reduce jerks and enhance the quality of photos and videos, the series will also integrate AI-based image stabilisation in addition to optical image stabilisation (OIS).
Realme 14 Pro series 5G: Expected specifications
Realme 14 Pro
- Display: 6.74 inch AMOLED, 1080 x 2412 resolution, 120Hz refresh rate
- Processor: Qualcomm Snapdragon 7s Gen 3
- RAM: Up to 8GB
- Storage: Up to 256GB
- Rear camera: 50 MP + 13 MP + 2 MP
- Front camera: 50MP
- Battery: 5,500mAh
- Charging: 68W wired
Realme 14 Pro Plus
- Display: 6.74 inch AMOLED, 1080 x 2412 resolution, 120Hz refresh rate
- Processor: Qualcomm Snapdragon 7s Gen 3
- RAM: Up to 8GB
- Storage: Up to 256GB
- Rear camera: 50 MP + 50MP + 50MP
- Front camera: 50MP
- Battery: 5,500mAh
- Charging: 100W wired